How to Easy… Maintain Sales Order / Quotation BOM

Here is a code snippet to update a BOM related to Sales Order or Quotation (transaction CS62).You can load current BOM an change any field you need, o...


创建物料BOM & 销售订单BOM的BAPI

函数组:CSAP(BOM 相关) 函数组:CSAP;经常有人寻找创建 BOM 的 BAPI,现在似乎没有统一的说法。下面这些函数都是可以 RFC 调用的,跟 BAPI 的使用方法类似。CSAP_BOM_ITEM_MAINTAINCSAP_DOC_BOM_CREATECSAP_D...


SAP BTE 发布/订阅模块 & 处理模块(P/S modules & process modul

BTE - Difference between P/S interface & Process InterfaceT-CODE: FIBF- Publish and Subscribe InterfaceMeans the Event FM only provides the Docume...


销售订单(SO)哪些情况会生成(service confirmation)服务确认

Confirmation of Service created for the deliveryIn standard system, the following are the scenarios where system generates "Confirmation of servi...


把ABAP 内表作为Excel附件发送邮件

I would like to share a different approach in sending an xls type documentusing cl_bcs. This is a just a copy of http://abapblog.com/articles/tricks/3...


Account Requires an Assignment to a CO object 科目需

  • 淡墨 淡墨 发布于 FICO
  • 1924次浏览
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  • 2023-01-16 12:16

Account Requires an Assignment to a CO object | How to solve the error Account requires an assignment to a CO object | Account 650624 Requires an ...



  • 淡墨 淡墨 发布于 ABAP
  • 1263次浏览
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  • 2023-01-16 11:33

https://www.sapcenter.cn/archive/post/358261590671429.html*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&ReportZGR...


BAPI_AGREEMENTS : BAPI to Create Agreements in SAP

  • 淡墨 淡墨 发布于 ABAP
  • 837次浏览
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  • 2023-01-16 11:28

https://www.saphub.com/sd/sap-bapi-create-agreements/Use BAPI BAPI_AGREEMENTS to create agreements in SAP.Below program uses BAPI BAPI_AGREEMENTS to c...


How to use a contact person in SAP S/4HANA

  • 淡墨 淡墨 发布于 SD
  • 1755次浏览
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  • 2022-11-24 15:59

SymptomContact person with partner number XXX does not exist."You want to know how to create a contact person and assign it to a customer/vendor ...


根据销售订单创建采购申请 Function

  • 淡墨 淡墨 发布于 SD
  • 888次浏览
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  • 2022-11-24 15:54