销售订单(SO)哪些情况会生成(service confirmation)服务确认

2023-04-06 15:45发布

Confirmation of Service created for the delivery

In standard system, the following are the scenarios where system generates "Confirmation of service" as DUMMY Goods Issue entry.

   以下 5 种情况,DN 做PGI时候会自动生成 service confirmation 服务确认

  • The delivery item has no quantity or 0 quantity (LIPS-LFIMG), or

  • The delivery item has no movement type (LIPS-BWART), or

  • The delivery item is not relevant for goods movement (LIPS-NOWAB is set), or

  • The delivery item has no material type (LIPS-MTART), or

  • Value/Quantity updating for Plant and material type is not valid (Table T134M). (exceptions: special stock E, Q.). Customizing is set here: Logistics - General -> Material Master -> Basic Settings -> Material Types -> Define Attributes of Material types

SAP Help WIKI Confirmation of Service

