记录进口商和记录出口商 – IOR 和 EOR

2022-09-27 10:10发布

Importer of Record and Exporter of Record – IOR and EOR

Importer of record and Exporter of Records

记录 IOR 的进口商和记录 EOR 的出口商:我为什么需要它?

在今天的博文中,我们将讨论一个不是每个人都理解的非常重要的主题:IOR(Importer Of Record)和 EOR(Exporter Of Record)。

让我们从头开始:IOR(记录进口商)和 EOR(记录出口商)究竟是什么?

IOR (Importer Of Record):是负责安排进口国进口操作中所有法律相关事宜的个人或公司。记录在案的 IOR 进口商还负责支付进口货物的所有关税、关税和费用。本质上,它是进口商代表。

EOR(记录出口商):记录出口商涵盖与 IOR 相同的点,但适用于出口而不是进口操作。EOR 负责响应有关向国外目的地出口业务的一切事宜。

为什么我需要 IOR 记录进口商或 EOR 记录出口商?

由于全球物流总是涉及多个国家/地区,因此存在 IOR 记录进口商和 EOR 记录出口商以确保所有流程都不会出现当地法律点和税收问题。这是保证一切不按计划发生的事情都能很快得到解决。

与 IOR Importer of Record|EOR Exporter of Record 合作的其他巨大优势是:

  • 简化货物清关流程。

  • 在国外设立法人实体无需任何费用。

  • 完全符合进口国所有进口法律的透明流程,包括符合进出口法规的文件保留系统。

记录 IOR 的进口商/记录 EOR 的出口商的责任是什么?

Importer of Record IOR 和 Exporter of Record EOR 是为提供单一组织来满足国际贸易要求而建立的服务。Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR 确保在全球范围内更快、更简单、更可靠地进行导入/导出。

提供进口商 IOR 服务和出口商 EOR 服务的公司可以是外国商品的所有者或买方/卖方。如果是 IOR 记录进口商,它也可能是具有授权书 (POA) 的报关行来承担进口商的活动。

为了管理和监督进出口业务,IOR 记录进口商/EOR 记录出口商包括一些直接职责:

  • 进口前商品的分类和估价。

  • 对出口流程的全面审查。

  • 遵守目的地/来源国法规。

  • 支付国际贸易的所有税款。

  • 向政府机构提交具体声明。

  • 准备好所有必需的文件(证明、许可和授权)。

为什么记录 IOR 服务的进口商/记录 EOR 服务的出口商如此重要?

要进出口任何商品,必须在目的地或来源国拥有成熟的企业或法人实体。IOR 记录进口商/EOR 记录出口商可以通过承担进口/出口流程和所有后续税收的责任来承担这一角色,直到完成交付。它们被政府正式承认为装运交易的一部分。

记录进口商和记录出口商确保遵守所有必要的法规和法规以与新国家打交道。这些服务还使客户能够将保修或更换库存出口到其他国家。凭借遍布全球的广泛货运网络,  GCE Logistics 可以轻松提供所有这些 IOR 记录进口商/EOR 记录出口商任务。

GCE Logistics 是 IOR 记录进口商和 EOR 记录出口商的可靠供应商。请在此处与我们联系,了解我们如何为您提供帮助。

记录 IOR 的进口商/记录 EOR 的出口商的责任是什么?

为了管理和监督进出口业务,IOR 记录进口商/EOR 记录出口商包括一些直接职责:

  • 进口前商品的分类和估价。

  • 对出口流程的全面审查。

  • 遵守目的地/来源国法规。

  • 支付国际贸易的所有税款。

  • 向政府机构提交具体声明。

  • 准备好所有必需的文件(证明、许可和授权)。

为什么记录 IOR 服务的进口商/记录 EOR 服务的出口商如此重要?

要进出口任何商品,必须在目的地或来源国拥有成熟的企业或法人实体。IOR 记录进口商/EOR 记录出口商可以通过承担进口/出口流程和所有后续税收的责任来承担这一角色,直到完成交付。它们被政府正式承认为装运交易的一部分。

记录进口商和记录出口商确保遵守所有必要的法规和法规以与新国家打交道。这些服务还使客户能够将保修或更换库存出口到其他国家。凭借遍布全球的广泛货运网络,  GCE Logistics 可以轻松提供所有这些 IOR 记录进口商/EOR 记录出口商任务。

GCE Logistics 是 IOR 记录进口商和 EOR 记录出口商的可靠供应商。请在此处与我们联系,了解我们如何为您提供帮助。立即获取您的记录进口商报价

Importer Of Record IOR and Exporter Of Record EOR: Why do I need it?

On today’s blog post, we are going to talk about a very important subject that not everyone understands: IOR (Importer Of Record) and EOR (Exporter Of Record).

Let’s start from the beginning: What actually is IOR (Importer Of Record) and EOR (Exporter Of Record)?

IOR (Importer Of Record): Is a person or a company responsible for arranging everything legal related in an import operation on the country of importing. The IOR Importer of record is also responsible for making all the payments of duties, tariffs, and fees of the imported goods. Essentially, it is the importer representative.

EOR (Exporter Of Record): The Exporter Of Record covers the same points as the IOR, but applied to Export instead of Import operations. The EOR is responsible for responding everything about an export operation to foreign destinations.

Why do I need an Importer of Record IOR or an Exporter of Record EOR?

Since global logistics always involves more than one country, IOR Importer of Record and EOR Exporter of Record exists to make sure that all process will happen with no problems with local legal points and taxes. It’s the guarantee that everything that happens out of schedule can be quickly be solved.

Other great advantages to working with IOR Importer of Record|EOR Exporter of Record are:

  • Simplified shipment clearance process.

  • No cost to establish legal entities in foreign countries.

  • A transparent process that is fully compliant with all the Import laws of the importing countries including a document retention system in compliance with Import|Export regulations.

What are Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR responsibilities?

Importer of Record IOR and Exporter of Record EOR are services established to provide a single organization to fulfill international trades’ requirements. Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR ensures faster, simpler and more reliable importing/exporting worldwide.

The company that provides Importer of Record IOR services and Exporter of Record EOR services can be the owner or the purchaser/seller of foreign merchandise. In the case of an Importer of Record IOR, it may also be a customs broker with a power of attorney (POA) to assume the activity of the importer.

In order to manage and supervise import and export operations, Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR include some direct responsibilities as:

  • Classification and valuation of the merchandise before the import.

  • Overall review of the export processes.

  • Compliance of the destination/source country regulations.

  • Paying all the taxes upon an international trade.

  • Presenting the specific declarations to government agencies.

  • Prepared all the required documentation (certifications, permits and authorizations).

Why Importer of Record IOR Service / Exporter of Record EOR service are so important?

To import and export any goods, it’s necessary to have an established business or a legal entity in the destination or source country. Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR can assume this role by taking the responsibility of import/export processes and all subsequent taxes until the delivery is fulfilled. They are officially recognized by the governments as part of a shipment transaction.

Importer of Record and Exporter of Record ensure compliance with all necessary regulations and statutes to deal with a new country. These services also enable customers to export warranty or replacement stock to other countries. With an extensive freight network worldwide, GCE Logistics can easily provide all these Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR assignments.

GCE Logistics is a reliable provider if  Importer of Record IOR and Exporter of Record EOR. Get in touch with us here to know how we can help you.

What are Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR responsibilities?

In order to manage and supervise import and export operations, Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR include some direct responsibilities as:

  • Classification and valuation of the merchandise before the import.

  • Overall review of the export processes.

  • Compliance of the destination/source country regulations.

  • Paying all the taxes upon an international trade.

  • Presenting the specific declarations to government agencies.

  • Prepared all the required documentation (certifications, permits and authorizations).

Why Importer of Record IOR Service / Exporter of Record EOR service are so important?

To import and export any goods, it’s necessary to have an established business or a legal entity in the destination or source country. Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR can assume this role by taking the responsibility of import/export processes and all subsequent taxes until the delivery is fulfilled. They are officially recognized by the governments as part of a shipment transaction.

Importer of Record and Exporter of Record ensure compliance with all necessary regulations and statutes to deal with a new country. These services also enable customers to export warranty or replacement stock to other countries. With an extensive freight network worldwide, GCE Logistics can easily provide all these Importer of Record IOR / Exporter of Record EOR assignments.

GCE Logistics is a reliable provider if  Importer of Record IOR and Exporter of Record EOR. Get in touch with us here to know how we can help you. Get Your Importer of Record Quote Now
