可以提 ticket 给SAP,然后经过SAP允许之后,可以通过下边Note中的程序ABLM_MODIFY_ITEMS解锁
2249880 - Dump SYSTEM_ABAP_ACCESS_DENIED caused through Blocklist Monitor in SAP S/4HANA on premise
In such cases, please do the following:
Consult with development support
Raise a ticket on the component of the blocklisted object concerned and inquire with the development support of SAP S/4HANA whether the particular object is blocklisted and how customer may use it according to the SAP whitelist or dedicated note
Based on the approval of development support via the ticket, you get a clearance to proceed according to the instructions mentioned below
After clearence through SAP, please proceed as follows:
This is to be done for each system (based on System-Id SID) in one client of your choice through a system user which has the authorization S_ADMI_FCD (System Authorizations).
Ensure that the programm 'ABLM_MODIFY_ITEMS' is on latest state as mentioned in note 2933993
Start transaction SE38 and enter program 'ABLM_MODIFY_ITEMS'
Based on the given information of the Dump, select via F4 the corresponding Type (TRAN, FUNC, PROG, METH, FORM)
For TRAN and PROG enter as 'Name' the executable mentioned as 'Object' in the Dump
For FUNC and METH enter as 'Name' the executable mentioned as 'Procedure' in the Dump and as 'Main' the executable mentioned as ''Object' in the Dump
Execute (F8) the report first in 'Testmode' - this is the default and keep the Radio Button on 'No Action | Check Entry'
Check whether the Blocklist Entry has been found and the current status is <Blocked for internal usage>
Go back (F3) and select the appropriate Radio Button 'Allow Entry for Internal Usage'
Deselect the checkbox for 'Testmode'
Execute (F8) the report - this might take between 5sec and 180sec
The report shall show the correct state of the executable and the general message 'Modification is effective'
Retry your application which caused the initial dump.