[转帖]SAP 零售业常用Tcodes ( Tcodes for Retail )

2022-03-11 14:32发布

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声明:本次转贴不是为了做做样子丰满blog,纯粹是属于自用。同时多谢最初出处 http://www.SAPdb.info/sap-tcodes-for-retail/

Merchandise Related Master Data
Transaction codeTransaction Description
SU3Maintain User Profile
MM41Create Article
MM42Chang Article
MM43Display Article
WSL11Evaluation of listing condition
WSO7Display Assortment Module Assignment to Assortment
MASS_MARCLogistic/replenishment Mass Maintenance
REFSITEReference Sites Management
WSL1Listing conditions
MR21Price Change
MB1CEnter Other Goods Receipts
MB1BEnter Transfer Posting
MB03Display Transfer Posting
RWBEStock Overview


Retail Pricing
Transaction codetransaction text
SU3Maintain User Profile
VKP5Create Price Calculation
WPMADirect Request For POS Outbound
WMB1Create Price Entry
WKK1Create Market-basket Price Calculation
SPROAssign Price Point Group to Org. Level/Merchandise Category
WVA3Display VKP Calculation Sur
WVA7Display VKP Calculation Sur
WEV3Display Ret. Markup SP Ca
MEKEConditions By Vendor
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
V-61Create Customer Discount Condition
V-64Display Customer Discount
VK13Display Condition Records
V/LDExecute Pricing Report
VA01Create Sales Order
MEI4Create Automatic Document work list
BD22Delete Change Pointers
WVN0Generate Pricing Work list
WVN1Release Work list
Assortment Management
SU3Maintain User Profile
WSOA3Assortment Display
WSOA1Assortment Create
WSOA2Assortment Change
WSOA6Assortment Assignment Tool
REFSITEReference Sites Management
WSL5Modules In Assortment
MM41Create Article
MM42Chang Article
WSL1Listing conditions
WSP4Create Individual Listing Material / Assortment
WSO1Assortment Module Create
WSO5Maintain Assortment Module assignment to Assortment
SE38ABAP Editor
WLWBSpace Management: Layout Workbench
WPLGDisplay Article In Layout Module
WLCNDelete All Listing Conditions From Layout Module
WSOA1Assortment Create
WSK1Assortment Copy
WSPLDisplay / edit article master segments that cannot be generated
WSL0Merchandise Categories - Article Assortments Consistency Check
WSP6Delete Individual Listing Material/Assortment
WSM8Reorganize Listing Conditions By Merchandise Category
WSM4AAutomatic Relisting Via Change to Assortment Master Data
WSL11Evaluation of listing condition
WB02Site Change
MB1CEnter Other Goods Receipts
WSE4Article Discontinuation( Article / Site Discontinuation)
WSM9Deletion of Obsolete Listing Conditions
SE16Data Browser
Procurement of Replenishable Merchandise
SU3Maintain User Profile
MM42Chang Article
MP30Execute Forecast: Initial
MP33Forecast Reprocessing
MD21Display Planning File Entries
MD03Requirements Planning Single-Item, Single-Level
MD05RP List
MD04Stock/Requirements List
MB01Enter Other Goods Receipts
ME01Maintain Source List
ME51Create Purchase Requisition
ME52Change Purchase Requisition
ME59Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
MIGOGoods Receipt for Purchase Order
ME13Display Info Record
ME31KCreate Contract
ME33KDisplay Contract
RWBEStock Overview
MB1CEnter Other Goods Receipts
WWP1Planning Workbench
WWP3Planning Workbench
SPROMaintain Rounding Profile
WB02Site Change
MK02Change Vendor
MD04Display Stock/Requirements Situation
WLB1Determining Requirements for Investment Buying
WLB6ROI-Based PO Proposal for Purchase Price Changes
WLB2Investment Buying Analysis
WLB13Automatic Load Building
WLB4Results List for Automatic Load Building Run
WLB5Combine a Number of POs to Create a Collective Purchase Order
ME2LPurchasing Documents per Vendor
ME23NDisplay Purchase Order
ME61Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME63Calculate SCORes for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Sub criteria
ME64Evaluation Comparison
ME65Ranking List of Vendors
ME6BRanking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group
Procurement of Non-replenishable Merchandise
SU3Maintain User Profile
MM41Create Article
MM42Chang Article
WSL1Listing conditions
MR21Price Change - Overview
ME51Create Purchase Requisition
ME41Create RFQ
ME47Maintain Quotation
MB1COther Goods Receipts
ME49Price Comparison List
ME1EQuotation Price History
ME48Display Quotation
ME4MPurchasing Documents for Article
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
ME28Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents
MB01Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
ME2LDisplay Purchasing Documents per Vendor
ME23NDisplay Purchase Order
SPROMaintain Rounding Profile
MD03Single Item, Single Level
MD04Stock/Requirements List
RWBEStock Overview
WLB13Automatic Load Building
WLB4Results List for Automatic Load Building Run
WLB5Bundle multiple orders logically
ME63Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Sub criteria
ME61Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME64Evaluation Comparison
ME65Ranking List of Vendors
ME6BRanking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group
Fresh Items Procurement
SU3Maintain User Profile
WDBIAssortment List: Initialization and Full Version
WDFRPerishables Planning
MB1COther Goods Receipts
MIGOGoods Receipt Purchase Order
WF30Merchandise Distribution: Monitor
VL06OOutbound Delivery Monitor
MB0AGoods Receipt-PO Unknown
WDFRPerishables Planning
VL10BFast Display Purchase Orders,
MB01Post Goods Receipt for PO
RWBEStock Overview
ME61Maintain Vendor Evaluation
ME63Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Sub criteria
MEKHMarket Price
ME64Evaluation Comparison
ME65Ranking List of Vendors
ME6BRanking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group
Subsequent Settlement
SU3Maintain User Profile
MEB3Display Rebate arrangement
MEU2Perform Comparison of Business Volumes
MEB4Create Settlement Document Via Report
MEB3Create Service Notification-Malone.
MEB1Create Agreement
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
MB01Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
ME81Analysis of Order Values
MIROEnter Invoice
MEB8Detailed Settlement
SECATTGenerating business volume with CATT
SECATTGenerating business volume with CATT
Invoice Verification
SU3Maintain User Profile
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
MB01Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
ME81Analysis of Order Values
MIROEnter Incoming Invoice
MIR4Display Invoice Document
MIR7Park Invoice
MIRAEnter Invoice for Invoice verification in Background
WC23Invoice Verification-Background Check
MRRLEvaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS)
ME22NRetroactive Price Changes in Purchase Order
MRNBRevaluation with Log. Invoice Verification
MIR6Invoice Overview-Selection Criteria
MRBRRelease Blocked Invoices
Sales Order Management
SU3Maintain User Profile
VV32Change Export Billing Document
VV31Create Export Billing Document
MB1CEnter Other Goods Receipts
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
VV32Change Export Billing Document
RWBEStock Overview
VV31Create Export Billing Document
VA01Create Sales Order
MM42Chang Article
VA03Display Sales Order
RWBEStock Overview
VL01NEnter Other Goods Receipts
LT03Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note
LT12Confirm Transfer Order
ME5ADisplaying Purchase Requisition
ME81Analysis of Order Values
MIROEnter Invoice
VA02Change Sales Order
SECATTBackorder Processing
WFREDistribution of Returns Among Backorders
V_V2Rescheduling sales and stock transfer documents
VA05List of Sales Order
V_R2Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents
SECATTGenerating Processing Document(s) via CATT
VF01Create Billing Document
VF05List of Billing Documents
VF02Change Billing Doc
VF04Maintain Billing Due List
V.21Log of Collective Run
F-29Post Customer Down Payment
F-39Clear Customer Down Payment
VL02NOutbound Delivery Single Document
VF31Output from Billing
MB1BEnter Transfer Posting
VL06OOutbound Delivery Monitor
VBO3Displaying the Status of Rebate Agreement
VBO2Settlement of the Agreement
VBO1Creating Rebate Agreement
VBOFUpdate Billing Documents
LT03Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note
LT12Confirm Transfer Order
VA02Releasing Credit Memo Request for the Partial Rebate Settlement
VL01NCreate Outbound Delivery with Order Reference
VA01Create Sales Order
VA03Display Sales Order
VA41Create Contract
VA43Display Contract
CV01NCreate Document
MM42Chang Article
MM43Display Article
WWM1Create product catalog
XD02Customer Display
OVKKDefine Pricing Procedure Determination
SPROMaintain Pricing Procedures
WWM2Change Product Catalog
WAK2Promotion Change
Inshore Customer Relationship Management
SU3Maintain User Profile
SICFHTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance
ME5AList Display of Purchase Requisitions
ME21NGenerating a Purchase Order on the Basis of the Purchase Requisition
MIROEntering an Incoming Vendor Invoice
VF01Create Billing Document
VF02Change Billing Doc
Service - Return Processing
SU3Maintain User Profile
WPMIPOS Outbound: Initialization
WPMADirect request for POS outbound
WPERPOS Interface Monitor
WPMUCreating Change Message
WE02Displaying Created IDocs in POS Monitor
MM42Chang Article
VD02Customer Change
WB60Creating Site Group
WB66Maintain Assignment of Sites
WAK1Create promotion
WE02Displaying Idoc
WDBIInitialization and Full Version
WDBMManual Selection Assortment List
RWBEStock Overview
MB1COther Goods Receipts
WPUKPOS Simulation:Selection
WPUFCash Removal
FB03Displaying Accounting Document
FAGLL03Displaying Clearing Account
WPCAExecute Settlement
F-06Post Incoming Payments:Header Data
WVFBSimulation Store Orders:Header Data Selection
WE02Displaying Confirmation Order
VL10BFast Display Purchase Orders,
VL02NOutbound Delivery Single Document
WPUWGoods Movements
MB0AReturning Goods to Vendor
MB1BPosting Goods to ‘Unrestricted Use’
ME23NDisplaying Purchase Order
MIROInvoice Verification
WR60Replenishment:Parameter Overview
ME27Create Purchase Order
WRP1Replenishment: Planning
VL02NChange Outbound Delivery
LT12Confirm Transfer Order
RWBEStock Overview
WB02Site Change
MB1CEnter Other Goods Receipts
MI01Create physical inventory document
MI31Selected Data for Phys. Inventory Docmts W/O Special Stock
MI02Change physical inventory document
WVFDSend physical inventory document
WVFISimulation: Store Physical Inventory/Sales Price Change
MI03Display physical inventory document
MI20List of Inventory Differences
MIDODisplay Physical Inventory Overview
WPUWGoods Movements
WPUSSimulation: Inbound Processing
WE19Test tool for IDoc processing
MM41Create Article
VBG1Create Article Grouping
VBK1Create bonus buy
Store Business online
SU3Maintain User Profile
SICFHTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance
WB02Site Change
WSOA6Assortment Assignment Tool
WSM8Reorganize Listing Conditions By Merchandise Category
WDBIAssortment List: Initialization and Full Version
WA01Create allocation table: Initial
WA08Follow-On Document Generation Allocation Table
VL02NChange Outbound Delivery
WAK1Create Promotion
WAK5Promo. Subsequent processing
WPUKPOS Simulation
MM42Change Article
VL10BFast display Purchase Orders
VL02NChange Outbound Delivery
WMBEStock Overview
MB1CEnter Other Goods Receipts
VKP1Change Price Calculation
VKU6Revaluation at Retail
Promotion Management
SU3Maintain User Profile
RWBEStock Overview
MB1CEnter Other Goods Receipts
WB60Creating Site Group
WB66Maintaining Site Group
WA21Allocation Rule Create
WAK1Create promotion
WAK5Promo. Subsequent processing
WAK2Change Promotion
WA08Follow-On Document Generation Allocation Table
VL06OOutbound Delivery Monitor
MB0AGoods Receipt-PO Unknown
WAK15Promotions per Site
WAK14Promotions per article
VA01Create Sales Order
VL01NCreate Outbound Delivery with Order Reference
VL06POutbound Deliveries for Picking
VL06CConfirming Transfer Order and Post Goods Issue
VL03NDisplay Outbound Delivery
VF01Create Billing Document
Distribution Center Logistics with Lean-WM
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
VL31NCreating Inbound Delivery
WAP2Create Purchase Order
VL41Create Rough Goods Receipt
WAP2Create Purchase Order
MB0AGoods Receipt - PO Unknown
MB03Display Article Document
MBRLEnter Return Delivery
MB02Change Article Document
MB90Output from Goods Movements
VL01NOCreate Output Delivery Without Order Reference
LT03Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note
LT12Confirm Transfer Order
VL02NPosting Goods issue
VL01NOCreate Outbound Delivery Without Order Reference
VL35Create Piching Waves According to Delivery Compare Times
VL06POutbound Deliveries for Picking
LT42Create TOs by Mult.Processing
LT25NTransfer Order for Each Group
VLSPSubsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
VL06GOutbound Deliveries for Goods Issue
MI01Create physical inventory document
MI31Selected Data for phys.Inventory Docmts W/o Special Stock
MI04Enter inventory count
MI20List of Inventory Differences
MIDODisplay Physical Inventory Overview
VL06OOutbound Delivery Monitor
VL37Wave Pick Monitor
VLLGRough Workload Estimate
Distribution Center Logistics With Lean Warehouse Management
SU3Maintain User Profile
RWBEIM Stock Overview
LS26WM Stock Overview
SPROAssign Processor to Queues
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
VL31NCreating Inbound Delivery
WAP2Create Purchase Order
VL41Create Rough Goods Receipt
MB0AGoods Receipt - PO Unknown
LT06Create Transfer Order for Article Document
LT12Confirm Transfer order
LRF1Resource Planning with the RF Monitor
LM00Mobile Data Entry
LRF1Monitoring with the RF Monitor
MB03Display Article Document
MBRLEnter Return Delivery
MB02Change Article Document
MB90Output from Goods Movements
LB12Process Article Document
LP21Replenishment for Fixed Bins in WM
LB10Display Transfer Requirement: List for Storage Type
VL01NOCreate Outbound Delivery Without Order Reference
LT03Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note
LRF1Resource Planning in the Monitor for Mobile Data Entry
LRF1Monitoring from the Mobile Data Entry Monitor
VL02NPosting Goods Issue
VL35Create Picking Waves According to Delivery Compare Times
VL06POutbound Deliveries for Picking
LT42Create TOs by Mult. Processing
LT25NTransfer Orders for Each Group
VLSPSubsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
VL06GOutbound Deliveries for Goods Issue
LX16Carry out Continuous Inventory
LI11NEnter Inventory Count
LI14Start Recount
LI20Clear Differences in WM
LI21Clearing of differences in Inventory Management
LX18Statistics for Inventory Differences
LX25Inventory status
LL01Warehouse Activity Monitor
VL06OOutbound Deliveries for Picking
VL37Wave Pick Monitor
VLLGRough Workload Estimate: Total Overview
Merchandise Distribution
SU3Maintain User Profile
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
ME31KCreate contract
WA21Allocation Rule Create
WA01Create Allocation Table
WA11Allocation Table Message Bundling / Notification Creation
WA04Create Notification
WA08Create Follow-On Documents
MB01Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
WF10Create Purchase Order
MB01Create Purchase Order
WF30Adjusting Distribution and Generating an Outbound Delivery
VL06OOutbound Delivery Monitor
VL02NOutbound Delivery Single Document
WF50Adjusting Distribution
WF70Creating Distribution Order
LT23Display Distribution Order
WF60Generating Outbound Delivery
WA01Create allocation table: Initial
ECR-Compliant Procurement Processes
PRICATInitial Screen: Price Catalog Maintenance
PRICATCUS1Change View “Assignment of ILN-Vendor-Purchasing group”: Overview
PRICATCUS2Change View “Assignment of ILN-merch.catgry-SAP merch.catgry”: Overview
PRICATCUS3Change View “Assignment of SAP merchandise category - purchasing group”
WE19Test tool for IDoc processing
WE20Partner profiles
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
WE02Idoc list
ME23NDisplay Purchase Order
MB0AGoods Receipt - PO Unknown: Initial Screen
MIR4Display Invoice Document
WVM2Transfer of Stock and Sales Data
