加入QQ群:457200227(SAP S4 HANA技术交流) 群内免费提供SAP练习系统(在群公告中)
声明:本次转贴不是为了做做样子丰满blog,纯粹是属于自用。同时多谢最初出处 http://www.SAPdb.info/sap-tcodes-for-retail/
Merchandise Related Master Data | |
Transaction code | Transaction Description |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
MM41 | Create Article |
MM42 | Chang Article |
MM43 | Display Article |
WSL11 | Evaluation of listing condition |
WSO7 | Display Assortment Module Assignment to Assortment |
MASS_MARC | Logistic/replenishment Mass Maintenance |
REFSITE | Reference Sites Management |
WSL1 | Listing conditions |
MR21 | Price Change |
MB1C | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
MB1B | Enter Transfer Posting |
MB03 | Display Transfer Posting |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
Retail Pricing | |
Transaction code | transaction text |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
VKP5 | Create Price Calculation |
WPMA | Direct Request For POS Outbound |
WMB1 | Create Price Entry |
WKK1 | Create Market-basket Price Calculation |
SPRO | Assign Price Point Group to Org. Level/Merchandise Category |
WVA3 | Display VKP Calculation Sur |
WVA7 | Display VKP Calculation Sur |
WEV3 | Display Ret. Markup SP Ca |
MEKE | Conditions By Vendor |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
V-61 | Create Customer Discount Condition |
V-64 | Display Customer Discount |
VK13 | Display Condition Records |
V/LD | Execute Pricing Report |
VA01 | Create Sales Order |
MEI4 | Create Automatic Document work list |
BD22 | Delete Change Pointers |
WVN0 | Generate Pricing Work list |
WVN1 | Release Work list |
Assortment Management | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
WSOA3 | Assortment Display |
WSOA1 | Assortment Create |
WSOA2 | Assortment Change |
WSOA6 | Assortment Assignment Tool |
REFSITE | Reference Sites Management |
WSL5 | Modules In Assortment |
MM41 | Create Article |
MM42 | Chang Article |
WSL1 | Listing conditions |
WSP4 | Create Individual Listing Material / Assortment |
WSO1 | Assortment Module Create |
WSO5 | Maintain Assortment Module assignment to Assortment |
SE38 | ABAP Editor |
WLWB | Space Management: Layout Workbench |
WPLG | Display Article In Layout Module |
WLCN | Delete All Listing Conditions From Layout Module |
WSOA1 | Assortment Create |
WSK1 | Assortment Copy |
WSPL | Display / edit article master segments that cannot be generated |
WSL0 | Merchandise Categories - Article Assortments Consistency Check |
WSP6 | Delete Individual Listing Material/Assortment |
WSM8 | Reorganize Listing Conditions By Merchandise Category |
WSM4A | Automatic Relisting Via Change to Assortment Master Data |
WSL11 | Evaluation of listing condition |
WB02 | Site Change |
MB1C | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
WSE4 | Article Discontinuation( Article / Site Discontinuation) |
WSM9 | Deletion of Obsolete Listing Conditions |
SE16 | Data Browser |
Procurement of Replenishable Merchandise | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
MM42 | Chang Article |
MP30 | Execute Forecast: Initial |
MP33 | Forecast Reprocessing |
MD21 | Display Planning File Entries |
MD03 | Requirements Planning Single-Item, Single-Level |
MD05 | RP List |
MD04 | Stock/Requirements List |
MB01 | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
ME01 | Maintain Source List |
ME51 | Create Purchase Requisition |
ME52 | Change Purchase Requisition |
ME59 | Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
MIGO | Goods Receipt for Purchase Order |
ME13 | Display Info Record |
ME31K | Create Contract |
ME33K | Display Contract |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
MB1C | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
WWP1 | Planning Workbench |
WWP3 | Planning Workbench |
SPRO | Maintain Rounding Profile |
WB02 | Site Change |
MK02 | Change Vendor |
MD04 | Display Stock/Requirements Situation |
WLB1 | Determining Requirements for Investment Buying |
WLB6 | ROI-Based PO Proposal for Purchase Price Changes |
WLB2 | Investment Buying Analysis |
WLB13 | Automatic Load Building |
WLB4 | Results List for Automatic Load Building Run |
WLB5 | Combine a Number of POs to Create a Collective Purchase Order |
ME2L | Purchasing Documents per Vendor |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
ME61 | Maintain Vendor Evaluation |
ME63 | Calculate SCORes for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Sub criteria |
ME64 | Evaluation Comparison |
ME65 | Ranking List of Vendors |
ME6B | Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group |
Procurement of Non-replenishable Merchandise | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
MM41 | Create Article |
MM42 | Chang Article |
WSL1 | Listing conditions |
MR21 | Price Change - Overview |
ME51 | Create Purchase Requisition |
ME41 | Create RFQ |
ME47 | Maintain Quotation |
MB1C | Other Goods Receipts |
ME49 | Price Comparison List |
ME1E | Quotation Price History |
ME48 | Display Quotation |
ME4M | Purchasing Documents for Article |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
ME28 | Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents |
MB01 | Goods Receipt for Purchase Order |
ME2L | Display Purchasing Documents per Vendor |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
SPRO | Maintain Rounding Profile |
MD03 | Single Item, Single Level |
MD04 | Stock/Requirements List |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
WLB13 | Automatic Load Building |
WLB4 | Results List for Automatic Load Building Run |
WLB5 | Bundle multiple orders logically |
ME63 | Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Sub criteria |
ME61 | Maintain Vendor Evaluation |
ME64 | Evaluation Comparison |
ME65 | Ranking List of Vendors |
ME6B | Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group |
Fresh Items Procurement | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
WDBI | Assortment List: Initialization and Full Version |
WDFR | Perishables Planning |
MB1C | Other Goods Receipts |
MIGO | Goods Receipt Purchase Order |
WF30 | Merchandise Distribution: Monitor |
VL06O | Outbound Delivery Monitor |
MB0A | Goods Receipt-PO Unknown |
WDFR | Perishables Planning |
VL10B | Fast Display Purchase Orders, |
MB01 | Post Goods Receipt for PO |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
ME61 | Maintain Vendor Evaluation |
ME63 | Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Sub criteria |
MEKH | Market Price |
ME64 | Evaluation Comparison |
ME65 | Ranking List of Vendors |
ME6B | Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group |
Subsequent Settlement | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
MEB3 | Display Rebate arrangement |
MEU2 | Perform Comparison of Business Volumes |
MEB4 | Create Settlement Document Via Report |
MEB3 | Create Service Notification-Malone. |
MEB1 | Create Agreement |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
MB01 | Goods Receipt for Purchase Order |
ME81 | Analysis of Order Values |
MIRO | Enter Invoice |
MEB8 | Detailed Settlement |
SECATT | Generating business volume with CATT |
SECATT | Generating business volume with CATT |
Invoice Verification | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
MB01 | Goods Receipt for Purchase Order |
ME81 | Analysis of Order Values |
MIRO | Enter Incoming Invoice |
MIR4 | Display Invoice Document |
MIR7 | Park Invoice |
MIRA | Enter Invoice for Invoice verification in Background |
WC23 | Invoice Verification-Background Check |
MRRL | Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) |
ME22N | Retroactive Price Changes in Purchase Order |
MRNB | Revaluation with Log. Invoice Verification |
MIR6 | Invoice Overview-Selection Criteria |
MRBR | Release Blocked Invoices |
Sales Order Management | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
VV32 | Change Export Billing Document |
VV31 | Create Export Billing Document |
MB1C | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
VV32 | Change Export Billing Document |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
VV31 | Create Export Billing Document |
VA01 | Create Sales Order |
MM42 | Chang Article |
VA03 | Display Sales Order |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
VL01N | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
LT03 | Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note |
LT12 | Confirm Transfer Order |
ME5A | Displaying Purchase Requisition |
ME81 | Analysis of Order Values |
MIRO | Enter Invoice |
VA02 | Change Sales Order |
SECATT | Backorder Processing |
WFRE | Distribution of Returns Among Backorders |
V_V2 | Rescheduling sales and stock transfer documents |
VA05 | List of Sales Order |
V_R2 | Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents |
SECATT | Generating Processing Document(s) via CATT |
VF01 | Create Billing Document |
VF05 | List of Billing Documents |
VF02 | Change Billing Doc |
VF04 | Maintain Billing Due List |
V.21 | Log of Collective Run |
F-29 | Post Customer Down Payment |
F-39 | Clear Customer Down Payment |
VL02N | Outbound Delivery Single Document |
VF31 | Output from Billing |
MB1B | Enter Transfer Posting |
VL06O | Outbound Delivery Monitor |
VBO3 | Displaying the Status of Rebate Agreement |
VBO2 | Settlement of the Agreement |
VBO1 | Creating Rebate Agreement |
VBOF | Update Billing Documents |
LT03 | Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note |
LT12 | Confirm Transfer Order |
VA02 | Releasing Credit Memo Request for the Partial Rebate Settlement |
VL01N | Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference |
VA01 | Create Sales Order |
VA03 | Display Sales Order |
VA41 | Create Contract |
VA43 | Display Contract |
CV01N | Create Document |
MM42 | Chang Article |
MM43 | Display Article |
WWM1 | Create product catalog |
XD02 | Customer Display |
OVKK | Define Pricing Procedure Determination |
SPRO | Maintain Pricing Procedures |
WWM2 | Change Product Catalog |
WAK2 | Promotion Change |
Inshore Customer Relationship Management | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
SICF | HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance |
ME5A | List Display of Purchase Requisitions |
ME21N | Generating a Purchase Order on the Basis of the Purchase Requisition |
MIRO | Entering an Incoming Vendor Invoice |
VF01 | Create Billing Document |
VF02 | Change Billing Doc |
Service - Return Processing | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
WPMI | POS Outbound: Initialization |
WPMA | Direct request for POS outbound |
WPER | POS Interface Monitor |
WPMU | Creating Change Message |
WE02 | Displaying Created IDocs in POS Monitor |
MM42 | Chang Article |
VD02 | Customer Change |
WB60 | Creating Site Group |
WB66 | Maintain Assignment of Sites |
WAK1 | Create promotion |
WE02 | Displaying Idoc |
WDBI | Initialization and Full Version |
WDBM | Manual Selection Assortment List |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
MB1C | Other Goods Receipts |
WPUK | POS Simulation:Selection |
WPUF | Cash Removal |
FB03 | Displaying Accounting Document |
FAGLL03 | Displaying Clearing Account |
WPCA | Execute Settlement |
F-06 | Post Incoming Payments:Header Data |
WVFB | Simulation Store Orders:Header Data Selection |
WE02 | Displaying Confirmation Order |
VL10B | Fast Display Purchase Orders, |
VL02N | Outbound Delivery Single Document |
WPUW | Goods Movements |
MB0A | Returning Goods to Vendor |
MB1B | Posting Goods to ‘Unrestricted Use’ |
ME23N | Displaying Purchase Order |
MIRO | Invoice Verification |
WR60 | Replenishment:Parameter Overview |
ME27 | Create Purchase Order |
WRP1 | Replenishment: Planning |
VL02N | Change Outbound Delivery |
LT12 | Confirm Transfer Order |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
WB02 | Site Change |
MB1C | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
MI01 | Create physical inventory document |
MI31 | Selected Data for Phys. Inventory Docmts W/O Special Stock |
MI02 | Change physical inventory document |
WVFD | Send physical inventory document |
WVFI | Simulation: Store Physical Inventory/Sales Price Change |
MI03 | Display physical inventory document |
MI20 | List of Inventory Differences |
MIDO | Display Physical Inventory Overview |
WPUW | Goods Movements |
WPUS | Simulation: Inbound Processing |
WE19 | Test tool for IDoc processing |
MM41 | Create Article |
VBG1 | Create Article Grouping |
VBK1 | Create bonus buy |
Store Business online | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
SICF | HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance |
WB02 | Site Change |
WSOA6 | Assortment Assignment Tool |
WSM8 | Reorganize Listing Conditions By Merchandise Category |
WDBI | Assortment List: Initialization and Full Version |
WA01 | Create allocation table: Initial |
WA08 | Follow-On Document Generation Allocation Table |
VL02N | Change Outbound Delivery |
WAK1 | Create Promotion |
WAK5 | Promo. Subsequent processing |
WPUK | POS Simulation |
MM42 | Change Article |
VL10B | Fast display Purchase Orders |
VL02N | Change Outbound Delivery |
WMBE | Stock Overview |
MB1C | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
VKP1 | Change Price Calculation |
VKU6 | Revaluation at Retail |
Promotion Management | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
RWBE | Stock Overview |
MB1C | Enter Other Goods Receipts |
WB60 | Creating Site Group |
WB66 | Maintaining Site Group |
WA21 | Allocation Rule Create |
WAK1 | Create promotion |
WAK5 | Promo. Subsequent processing |
WAK2 | Change Promotion |
WA08 | Follow-On Document Generation Allocation Table |
VL06O | Outbound Delivery Monitor |
MB0A | Goods Receipt-PO Unknown |
WAK15 | Promotions per Site |
WAK14 | Promotions per article |
VA01 | Create Sales Order |
VL01N | Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference |
VL06P | Outbound Deliveries for Picking |
VL06C | Confirming Transfer Order and Post Goods Issue |
VL03N | Display Outbound Delivery |
VF01 | Create Billing Document |
Distribution Center Logistics with Lean-WM | |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
VL31N | Creating Inbound Delivery |
WAP2 | Create Purchase Order |
VL41 | Create Rough Goods Receipt |
WAP2 | Create Purchase Order |
MB0A | Goods Receipt - PO Unknown |
MB03 | Display Article Document |
MBRL | Enter Return Delivery |
MB02 | Change Article Document |
MB90 | Output from Goods Movements |
VL01NO | Create Output Delivery Without Order Reference |
LT03 | Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note |
LT12 | Confirm Transfer Order |
VL02N | Posting Goods issue |
VL01NO | Create Outbound Delivery Without Order Reference |
VL35 | Create Piching Waves According to Delivery Compare Times |
VL06P | Outbound Deliveries for Picking |
LT42 | Create TOs by Mult.Processing |
LT25N | Transfer Order for Each Group |
VLSP | Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split |
VL06G | Outbound Deliveries for Goods Issue |
MI01 | Create physical inventory document |
MI31 | Selected Data for phys.Inventory Docmts W/o Special Stock |
MI04 | Enter inventory count |
MI20 | List of Inventory Differences |
MIDO | Display Physical Inventory Overview |
VL06O | Outbound Delivery Monitor |
VL37 | Wave Pick Monitor |
VLLG | Rough Workload Estimate |
Distribution Center Logistics With Lean Warehouse Management | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
RWBE | IM Stock Overview |
LS26 | WM Stock Overview |
SPRO | Assign Processor to Queues |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
VL31N | |
WAP2 | Create Purchase Order |
VL41 | Create Rough Goods Receipt |
MB0A | Goods Receipt - PO Unknown |
LT06 | Create Transfer Order for Article Document |
LT12 | Confirm Transfer order |
LRF1 | Resource Planning with the RF Monitor |
LM00 | Mobile Data Entry |
LRF1 | |
MB03 | Display Article Document |
MBRL | Enter Return Delivery |
MB02 | Change Article Document |
MB90 | Output from Goods Movements |
LB12 | Process Article Document |
LP21 | |
LB10 | Display Transfer Requirement: List for Storage Type |
VL01NO | Create Outbound Delivery Without Order Reference |
LT03 | Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note |
LRF1 | Resource Planning in the Monitor for Mobile Data Entry |
LRF1 | |
VL02N | |
VL35 | Create Picking Waves According to Delivery Compare Times |
VL06P | Outbound Deliveries for Picking |
LT42 | Create TOs by Mult. Processing |
LT25N | Transfer Orders for Each Group |
VLSP | Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split |
VL06G | Outbound Deliveries for Goods Issue |
LX16 | Carry out Continuous Inventory |
LI11N | Enter Inventory Count |
LI14 | Start Recount |
LI20 | Clear Differences in WM |
LI21 | Clearing of differences in Inventory Management |
LX18 | Statistics for Inventory Differences |
LX25 | Inventory status |
LL01 | Warehouse Activity Monitor |
VL06O | Outbound Deliveries for Picking |
VL37 | Wave Pick Monitor |
VLLG | Rough Workload Estimate: Total Overview |
Merchandise Distribution | |
SU3 | Maintain User Profile |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
ME31K | Create contract |
WA21 | Allocation Rule Create |
WA01 | Create Allocation Table |
WA11 | Allocation Table Message Bundling / Notification Creation |
WA04 | Create Notification |
WA08 | Create Follow-On Documents |
MB01 | Goods Receipt for Purchase Order |
WF10 | Create Purchase Order |
MB01 | Create Purchase Order |
WF30 | |
VL06O | Outbound Delivery Monitor |
VL02N | Outbound Delivery Single Document |
WF50 | |
WF70 | |
LT23 | Display Distribution Order |
WF60 | |
WA01 | Create allocation table: Initial |
ECR-Compliant Procurement Processes | |
PRICAT | Initial Screen: Price Catalog Maintenance |
PRICATCUS1 | Change View “Assignment of ILN-Vendor-Purchasing group”: Overview |
PRICATCUS2 | Change View “Assignment of ILN-merch.catgry-SAP merch.catgry”: Overview |
PRICATCUS3 | Change View “Assignment of SAP merchandise category - purchasing group” |
WE19 | Test tool for IDoc processing |
WE20 | Partner profiles |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
WE02 | Idoc list |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
MB0A | Goods Receipt - PO Unknown: Initial Screen |
MIR4 | Display Invoice Document |
WVM2 | Transfer of Stock and Sales Data |