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In this post, you will learn about below ABAP statements.
ALPHA 向数字字符串添加前导零或删除它们。这仅适用于字符串、c 或 n 数据类型。通常,SAP 为许多字段(如客户编号、订单编号、发票编号)存储带有前导零的数据,但在输出屏幕上打印数据时,前导零会被删除。
For Removing Leading Zeros
DATA : var_int TYPE char10 VALUE '0000098765'. DATA(var_ext) = |{ var_int ALPHA = OUT }|. "This code replaces use of CONVERSION_EXIT DATA var_ext TYPE char10. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT' EXPORTING input = var_int IMPORTING output = var_ext.
For Adding Leading Zeros
DATA : var_ext TYPE char10 VALUE '12345'. DATA(var_int) = |{ var_ext ALPHA = IN }|. "This code replaces use of CONVERSION_EXIT DATA var_int TYPE char10. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING input = var_ext IMPORTING output = var_int.
Note that the variables var_int
and var_ext
can be the same variable.
var_num = |{ var_num ALPHA = OUT }|. "Remove leading zeros var_num = |{ var_num ALPHA = IN }|. "Add leading zeros
This can also be used as an operand.
WRITE : |{ var_int ALPHA = OUT }|.
Note that this syntax only works for conversion routine ALPHA.
We all know concatenation. So let us just look at examples.
"Single Variable CONCATENATE 'The order' order_num 'is created successfully' INTO DATA(msg) SEPARATED BY space. "Multiple Variables CONCATENATE 'The order' order_num 'is created on' sy-datum 'at' sy-uzeit 'by' sy-uname INTO DATA(msg) SEPARATED BY space.
This can now be written in a way which is more readable as below.
"Single Variable DATA(msg) = |The order { order_num } is created successfully|. "Multiple Variables DATA(msg) = |The order { order_num } is created on { sy-datum } at { sy-uzeit } by { sy-uname } |.
As we are talking about concatenation, you should know below method as well.
DATA(created_at) = sy-datum && ':' && sy-uzeit.
LINE_EXISTS is used to check whether a record exists in internal table or not.
This can also be done using READ TABLE as below.
"Select data from sbook table SELECT * FROM sbook INTO TABLE @DATA(it_sbook). "Code in focus READ TABLE it_sbook TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY carrid = 'AA'. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. WRITE: 'Booking found for flight AA'. ELSE. WRITE: 'Booking not found for flight AA'. ENDIF.
The same can be written using the new read syntax as below.
TRY. DATA(ls_sook) = it_sbook[ carrid = 'AA' ]. WRITE: 'Booking found for flight AA'. CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. WRITE: 'Booking not found for flight AA'. ENDTRY.
But the best way when you only have to check for record existence is to use LINE_EXISTS.
IF LINE_EXISTS( it_sbook[ carrid = 'AA' ] ). WRITE: 'Booking found for flight AA'. ELSE. WRITE: 'Booking not found for flight AA'. ENDIF.
This needs no explaination.
"Old way DESCRIBE TABLE it_sbook LINES DATA(lv_count). "New way DATA(lv_count) = LINES( it_sbook ). "Use in operand positions WRITE: / 'No. of bookings: ', LINES( it_sbook ).
As you can notice, advantage of using these expressions is that the code becomes more readable and we can avoid using some of the
helper variables.