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" Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. " --- Martin Fowler, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code ABAP pretty printer is good for code but not supportive for data declarations. As a result ABAP code often tends to need more labour to maintain. I therefore wrote 3 Clipboard utilities 1. YClipJNC based on http://sap.ionelburlacu.ro/abap/sap2/Beautify_Source_Code.html but improved to include table~column half-line commenting. Take any ABAP code (should have survived syntax check) including that "." DOT terminator. Copy to Clipboard & F8 on YClipJNC will create the beautiful version in clipboard ready for pasting back. The big advantage is that you can send for beautification only portions of code - this is vital in maintaining someone else's badly written code. 2. YClip2JNC is for Internal Table declarations only, with existing comments Aligns everything nicely. 3. YClip3JNC is to create a Commented CALL FUNCTION Pattern. Try with "CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2" The pattern is ready in clipboard for pasting appropriately. These 3 utilities should give a big boost to good clean commented ABAP code. ========================================================================================= *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Beautify ABAP Code Via Clip * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * based on ideas from * http://sap.ionelburlacu.ro/abap/sap2/Beautify_Source_Code.html * Author Jayanta Narayan Choudhuri * Flat 302 * 395 Jodhpur Park * Kolkata 700 068 * Email sss@cal.vsnl.net.in * URL: http://www.geocities.com/ojnc *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program takes ABAP code in ClipBoard, and does the following: * - Attempts to move comments to the end of the line * - Adds comments (table name) for the tables listed after a TABLES * statement if the line has not been commented already. * - Adds comments (field name) for data elements, parameters, and * select-options that are defined using the LIKE or FOR statement * - For ENDLOOP/ENDSELECT adds comment identify the LOOP/SELECT * that is being closed * - For FORM/ENDFORM adds comment identify the FORM that is being * closed * - Calls function PRETTY_PRINTER to do the SAP standard pretty print * after the custom comments have been created * Returns Modified Code Via ClipBoard *----------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT yclipjnc. . TABLES: e071 , " Change & Transport System: Object Entries of Requests/Tasks tadir , " Directory of Repository Objects trdir , " Generated Table for View TRDIR dd02t . " R/3 DD: SAP table texts DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_old_prog OCCURS 0, line(172) TYPE c, END OF mtab_old_prog. DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_new_prog OCCURS 0, line(172) TYPE c, END OF mtab_new_prog. DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_jnc_prog OCCURS 0, line(172) TYPE c, END OF mtab_jnc_prog. DATA: * Hold an entire statement, even if it spans multiple lines BEGIN OF mtab_long_line OCCURS 0, start TYPE i, end TYPE i, code(9999) TYPE c, "For type "C", a maximum length specification of 65535 is allowed. END OF mtab_long_line. DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_tabname OCCURS 0, tabname LIKE dd02t-tabname, " Table name tabdesc LIKE dd02t-ddtext, " Short text describing ABAP/4 Dictio END OF mtab_tabname. * Queue to hold list of internal table names for commenting the ENDLOOP * line DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_itab_names OCCURS 0, tabname(40) TYPE c, END OF mtab_itab_names. * Queue to hold list of table names for commenting the ENDSELECT line DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_tab_names OCCURS 0, tabname(40) TYPE c, END OF mtab_tab_names. DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_form_names OCCURS 0, tabname(40) TYPE c, END OF mtab_form_names. DATA: mylength TYPE i, myrc TYPE i. CONSTANTS: myhats(40) VALUE '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'. * START of EXECUTION * Read the program code in ClipBoard into an internal table CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_import IMPORTING data = mtab_old_prog[] length = mylength. IF sy-subrc NE 0. WRITE: / `Unable to read ClipBoard`. WRITE: / `Exiting program`. ENDIF. PERFORM create_condensed_table TABLES mtab_old_prog mtab_long_line. PERFORM format_program. CALL FUNCTION `PRETTY_PRINTER` EXPORTING inctoo = space TABLES ntext = mtab_jnc_prog otext = mtab_new_prog EXCEPTIONS enqueue_table_full = 1 include_enqueued = 2 include_readerror = 3 include_writeerror = 4 OTHERS = 5. * Write the beautiful program code to ClipBoard from internal table CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_export IMPORTING data = mtab_jnc_prog[] CHANGING rc = myrc. LOOP AT mtab_jnc_prog. IF mtab_jnc_prog = space. SKIP 1. ENDIF. WRITE: / mtab_jnc_prog. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT MTAB_JNC_PROG *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM CREATE_CONDENSED_TABLE * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create a table that has all statements condensed onto 1 line * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_condensed_table TABLES ftab_old_prog STRUCTURE mtab_old_prog ftab_long_line STRUCTURE mtab_long_line. DATA: * Structure to hold program code/comment BEGIN OF fstr_line, code(172) TYPE c, " Program Code comment(172) TYPE c, " Inline comments END OF fstr_line. LOOP AT ftab_old_prog. IF ftab_long_line-start = 0. ftab_long_line-start = ftab_long_line-end + 1. CLEAR ftab_long_line-end. ENDIF. * Strip off any inline comments so they do not get in the way * If comments are not separated, then words in the comments could * look like keywords, and cause problems SPLIT ftab_old_prog-line AT `"` INTO fstr_line-code fstr_line-comment. * Align all statements to be left justified SHIFT fstr_line-code LEFT DELETING LEADING space. * Put all lines that make up a single statement into one field * This will make it easier to isolate key words. For example, if you * want to process a TABLES statement, but exclude the TABLES part of a * function call, or a subroutine call. CONCATENATE ftab_long_line-code fstr_line-code INTO ftab_long_line-code SEPARATED BY space. IF fstr_line-code CA `.` OR " Period means end of statement fstr_line-code(1) = `*` OR " Comment Line fstr_line-code CO space. " Blank Line * Keep track of the table index that the statement ends on ftab_long_line-end = sy-tabix. * Remove delimiter from concatenation of fields SHIFT ftab_long_line-code LEFT BY 1 PLACES. APPEND ftab_long_line. CLEAR: ftab_long_line-code, ftab_long_line-start. * Don`t clear out fstr_long_line-end yet. It is used to calc * fstr_long_line-start. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT FTAB_OLD_PROG ENDFORM. " FORM CREATE_CONDENSED_TABLE *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM FORMAT_PROGRAM * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM format_program. DATA: lstr_old_prog LIKE LINE OF mtab_old_prog. LOOP AT mtab_long_line. TRANSLATE mtab_long_line-code TO UPPER CASE. IF mtab_long_line-code(1) EQ `*`. " Do not modify Comment Lines LOOP AT mtab_old_prog FROM mtab_long_line-start TO mtab_long_line-end. mtab_new_prog-line = mtab_old_prog-line. APPEND mtab_new_prog. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT MTAB_OLD_PROG ELSEIF mtab_long_line-code(6) EQ `TABLES`. * Reformat any TABLES statements. Will only reformat when TABLES * is at the start of the statement. Will not try to get table * descriptions for CALL FUNCTIONS or FORM/PERFORMs * Get the table names from mstr_long_line. PERFORM get_table_names_from_statement TABLES mtab_tabname USING mtab_long_line-code. * Find the descriptions for each table PERFORM get_table_descriptions TABLES mtab_tabname. * create the new statement PERFORM build_new_tables_statement USING mtab_long_line. ELSE. " All other modifications to the code handled here LOOP AT mtab_old_prog FROM mtab_long_line-start TO mtab_long_line-end. * Remove extra spaces from line for comparisons lstr_old_prog-line = mtab_old_prog-line. CONDENSE lstr_old_prog-line. TRANSLATE lstr_old_prog-line TO UPPER CASE. IF lstr_old_prog-line CS `"`. " Comments mtab_new_prog-line = mtab_old_prog-line. ELSE. IF lstr_old_prog-line CS ` LIKE ` OR lstr_old_prog-line CS ` TYPE ` OR lstr_old_prog-line CS ` FOR ` OR lstr_old_prog-line CS `~`. "jnc OpenSQL table~column PERFORM get_for_like_comment USING mtab_old_prog CHANGING mtab_new_prog. ELSEIF lstr_old_prog-line(8) = 'LOOP AT'. * save table name into a queue PERFORM enqueue_itab_name USING mtab_long_line-code. mtab_new_prog-line = mtab_old_prog-line. ELSEIF lstr_old_prog-line(7) = `ENDLOOP`. * get name off of queue and add it as a comment to the ENDLOOP line PERFORM add_comment_to_endloop USING mtab_old_prog-line CHANGING mtab_new_prog-line. ELSEIF lstr_old_prog-line(7) EQ 'SELECT' AND lstr_old_prog-line(13) NE 'SELECT SINGLE'. * save table name into a queue PERFORM enqueue_tab_name USING mtab_old_prog-line. mtab_new_prog-line = mtab_old_prog-line. ELSEIF lstr_old_prog-line(9) = `ENDSELECT`. * get name off of queue and add it as a comment to the ENDSELECT PERFORM add_comment_to_select USING mtab_old_prog-line CHANGING mtab_new_prog-line. ELSEIF lstr_old_prog-line(5) = 'FORM'. * save form name into a queue PERFORM enqueue_form_name USING mtab_old_prog-line. mtab_new_prog-line = mtab_old_prog-line. ELSEIF lstr_old_prog-line(7) = `ENDFORM`. * get name off of queue and add it as a comment to the ENDFORM PERFORM add_comment_to_endform USING mtab_old_prog-line CHANGING mtab_new_prog-line. ELSE. " Any other lines mtab_new_prog-line = mtab_old_prog-line. ENDIF. ENDIF. APPEND mtab_new_prog. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT MTAB_OLD_PROG ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT MTAB_LONG_LINE ENDFORM. " FORM FORMAT_PROGRAM *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM GET_TABLE_NAMES_FROM_STATEMENT * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_table_names_from_statement TABLES ftab_tabname STRUCTURE mtab_tabname USING fc_statement. CLEAR ftab_tabname. REFRESH ftab_tabname. REPLACE `TABLES` WITH space INTO fc_statement. TRANSLATE fc_statement USING `. `. " Replace periods TRANSLATE fc_statement USING `, `. " Replace commas TRANSLATE fc_statement USING `: `. " Replace colons CONDENSE fc_statement. " Remove all extra spaces SPLIT fc_statement AT space INTO TABLE ftab_tabname. ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_NAMES_FROM_STATEMENT *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_table_descriptions TABLES ftab_tabname STRUCTURE mtab_tabname. LOOP AT ftab_tabname. SELECT SINGLE * FROM dd02t WHERE tabname = ftab_tabname-tabname AND ddlanguage = sy-langu. IF sy-subrc = 0. ftab_tabname-tabdesc = dd02t-ddtext. MODIFY ftab_tabname. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT FTAB_TABNAME ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM BUILD_NEW_TABLES_STATEMENT * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_new_tables_statement USING fstr_long_line LIKE mtab_long_line. DATA: lc_sep(1) TYPE c, li_rows TYPE i, wordlen TYPE i. DESCRIBE TABLE mtab_tabname LINES li_rows. mtab_new_prog-line = `TABLES:`. APPEND mtab_new_prog. LOOP AT mtab_tabname. IF sy-tabix = li_rows. lc_sep = `.`. ELSE. lc_sep = `,`. ENDIF. wordlen = STRLEN( mtab_tabname-tabname ). IF wordlen < 12. wordlen = 12 - wordlen. ELSE. wordlen = 1. ENDIF. CONCATENATE `^^` mtab_tabname-tabname lc_sep myhats+0(wordlen) ` " ` mtab_tabname-tabdesc INTO mtab_new_prog. TRANSLATE mtab_new_prog USING `^ `. APPEND mtab_new_prog. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT MTAB_TABNAME ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM GET_FOR/LIKE_COMMENT * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_for_like_comment USING value(f_old_prog) LIKE mtab_old_prog CHANGING f_new_prog LIKE mtab_new_prog . DATA: lc_dummy(1) TYPE c, lc_tabname(40) TYPE c, wordlen TYPE i, ltab_nametab LIKE dntab OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lstr_old_prog LIKE LINE OF mtab_old_prog, BEGIN OF lstr_field, tabname LIKE dd02t-tabname, " Table name fldname LIKE dd02t-tabname, " Table name END OF lstr_field. lstr_old_prog-line = f_old_prog. " SAVE input TRANSLATE f_old_prog TO UPPER CASE. CONDENSE f_old_prog. IF f_old_prog-line CA `"` OR " Line already commented f_old_prog-line(1) = `*`. f_new_prog = f_old_prog. RETURN. ELSEIF f_old_prog CS ` LIKE `. SPLIT f_old_prog AT ` LIKE ` INTO lc_dummy lc_tabname. ELSEIF f_old_prog CS ` TYPE `. SPLIT f_old_prog AT ` TYPE ` INTO lc_dummy lc_tabname. ELSEIF f_old_prog CS ` FOR `. SPLIT f_old_prog AT ` FOR ` INTO lc_dummy lc_tabname. ELSEIF f_old_prog CS `~`. MOVE f_old_prog TO lc_tabname. CONDENSE lc_tabname. SPLIT lc_tabname AT `~` INTO lstr_field-tabname lstr_field-fldname. ELSE. f_new_prog = lstr_old_prog-line. RETURN. ENDIF. * If there is anything following the table-field in a LIKE or FOR clause * it will be removed so that only the table-field remains IF NOT f_old_prog CS `~`. CONDENSE lc_tabname. TRANSLATE lc_tabname USING `. `. " Remove periods TRANSLATE lc_tabname USING `, `. " Remove commas CONDENSE lc_tabname. " Remove extra white space SPLIT lc_tabname AT `-` INTO lstr_field-tabname lstr_field-fldname. * The system variables are actually defined in DDIC structure SYST IF lstr_field-tabname = `SY`. lstr_field-tabname = `SYST`. ENDIF. ENDIF. TRANSLATE lstr_field-tabname TO UPPER CASE. TRANSLATE lstr_field-fldname TO UPPER CASE. CALL FUNCTION 'NAMETAB_GET' EXPORTING tabname = lstr_field-tabname TABLES nametab = ltab_nametab EXCEPTIONS internal_error = 1 table_has_no_fields = 2 table_not_activ = 3 no_texts_found = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno * WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. READ TABLE ltab_nametab WITH KEY tabname = lstr_field-tabname fieldname = lstr_field-fldname. IF sy-subrc = 0. wordlen = STRLEN( lstr_old_prog-line ). IF wordlen < 45. wordlen = 45 - wordlen. ELSE. wordlen = 1. ENDIF. CONCATENATE lstr_old_prog-line myhats+0(wordlen) ` " ` ltab_nametab-fieldtext INTO f_new_prog. TRANSLATE mtab_new_prog USING `^ `. ELSE. f_new_prog = lstr_old_prog-line. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM ENQUEUE_ITAB_NAME * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM enqueue_itab_name USING value(f_line) LIKE mtab_long_line-code. DATA: lc_dummy(1) TYPE c, lc_itab(40) TYPE c. TRANSLATE f_line TO UPPER CASE. SPLIT f_line AT `LOOP AT ` INTO lc_dummy lc_itab. SPLIT lc_itab AT space INTO lc_itab lc_dummy. TRANSLATE lc_itab USING `. `. CONDENSE lc_itab. mtab_itab_names = lc_itab. * Always have the most recent LOOP AT table as the first entry in the * queue INSERT mtab_itab_names INDEX 1. ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM ADD_COMMENT_TO_ENDLOOP * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_comment_to_endloop USING fstr_long_line LIKE mtab_old_prog-line CHANGING f_prog_line LIKE mtab_new_prog-line . IF mtab_old_prog-line NA `"`. " No comments * Get the internal table from the queue READ TABLE mtab_itab_names INDEX 1. CONCATENATE mtab_old_prog-line ` "` `LOOP AT` mtab_itab_names-tabname INTO f_prog_line SEPARATED BY space. * Dequeue the itab name DELETE mtab_itab_names INDEX 1. ELSE. f_prog_line = mtab_old_prog-line. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM ENQUEUE_TAB_NAME * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM enqueue_tab_name USING f_line LIKE mtab_old_prog-line. DATA: lc_dummy(1) TYPE c, lc_tab(40) TYPE c. TRANSLATE f_line TO UPPER CASE. SPLIT f_line AT ` FROM ` INTO lc_dummy lc_tab. CONDENSE lc_tab. " Remove leading/trailing extra spaces SPLIT lc_tab AT space INTO lc_tab lc_dummy. TRANSLATE lc_tab USING `. `. CONDENSE lc_tab. mtab_tab_names = lc_tab. * Always have the most recent LOOP AT table as the first entry in the * queue INSERT mtab_tab_names INDEX 1. ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM ADD_COMMENT_TO_SELECT * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_comment_to_select USING fstr_long_line LIKE mtab_old_prog-line CHANGING f_prog_line. IF mtab_old_prog-line NA `"`. " No comments * Get the table from the queue READ TABLE mtab_tab_names INDEX 1. CONCATENATE mtab_old_prog-line ` "` `SELECT FROM` mtab_tab_names-tabname INTO f_prog_line SEPARATED BY space. * Dequeue the tab name DELETE mtab_tab_names INDEX 1. ELSE. f_prog_line = mtab_old_prog-line. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM ADD_COMMENT_TO_ENDFORM * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_comment_to_endform USING fstr_long_line LIKE mtab_old_prog-line CHANGING f_prog_line. IF mtab_old_prog-line NA `"`. " No comments * Get the table from the queue READ TABLE mtab_form_names INDEX 1. CONCATENATE mtab_old_prog-line ` "` `FORM` mtab_form_names-tabname INTO f_prog_line SEPARATED BY space. * Dequeue the form name DELETE mtab_form_names INDEX 1. ELSE. f_prog_line = mtab_old_prog-line. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " FORM GET_TABLE_DESCRIPTIONS *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM ENQUEUE_FORM_NAME * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM enqueue_form_name USING f_line. DATA: lc_dummy(1) TYPE c, lc_tab(40) TYPE c. TRANSLATE f_line TO UPPER CASE. SPLIT f_line AT `FORM ` INTO lc_dummy lc_tab. CONDENSE lc_tab. " Remove leading/trailing extra spaces SPLIT lc_tab AT space INTO lc_tab lc_dummy. TRANSLATE lc_tab USING `. `. CONDENSE lc_tab. mtab_form_names = lc_tab. * Always have the most recent LOOP AT table as the first entry in the * queue INSERT mtab_form_names INDEX 1. ENDFORM. " FORM ENQUEUE_FORM_NAME
========================================================================================= *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Beautify ABAP Code Via Clip * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author Jayanta Narayan Choudhuri * Flat 302 * 395 Jodhpur Park * Kolkata 700 068 * Email sss@cal.vsnl.net.in * URL: http://www.geocities.com/ojnc *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program takes Structure & internal table declarations in ClipBoard, * and does prefect alignment as possible * Returns Modified Code Via ClipBoard *----------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT yclip2jnc. DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_old_prog OCCURS 0, line(172) TYPE c, END OF mtab_old_prog. DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_new_prog OCCURS 0, line(172) TYPE c, END OF mtab_new_prog. DATA: BEGIN OF i_words OCCURS 0, word(172) TYPE c, END OF i_words. DATA: wordlen TYPE i, saveix TYPE i, maxlen1 TYPE i, maxlen2 TYPE i, maxlen3 TYPE i, wordoff TYPE i, colnum TYPE i, mylength TYPE i, diff TYPE i, myrc TYPE i, workline(172). CONSTANTS: myhats(40) VALUE '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'. * Read the program code in ClipBoard into an internal table CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_import IMPORTING data = mtab_old_prog[] length = mylength. IF sy-subrc NE 0. WRITE: / `Unable to read ClipBoard`. WRITE: / `Exiting program`. ENDIF. * SAP pads non-displayable characters in last few lines LOOP AT mtab_old_prog. MOVE sy-tabix TO saveix. CONDENSE mtab_old_prog-line. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ' ,' IN mtab_old_prog-line WITH ','. SPLIT mtab_old_prog-line AT space INTO TABLE i_words. LOOP AT i_words. wordlen = STRLEN( i_words-word ). IF wordlen > 60 OR i_words-word+0(1) < space OR i_words-word+0(1) > '~'. DELETE mtab_old_prog INDEX saveix. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT mtab_old_prog. CONDENSE mtab_old_prog-line. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ' ,' IN mtab_old_prog-line WITH ','. SPLIT mtab_old_prog-line AT space INTO TABLE i_words. MOVE 1 TO colnum. LOOP AT i_words. wordlen = STRLEN( i_words-word ). CASE colnum. WHEN 1. IF wordlen > maxlen1. MOVE wordlen TO maxlen1. ENDIF. WHEN 2. IF wordlen > maxlen2. MOVE wordlen TO maxlen2. ENDIF. WHEN 3. IF wordlen > maxlen3. MOVE wordlen TO maxlen3. ENDIF. ENDCASE. ADD 1 TO colnum. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT mtab_old_prog. workline = mtab_old_prog-line. CONDENSE workline. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ' ,' IN mtab_old_prog-line WITH ','. SPLIT workline AT space INTO TABLE i_words. LOOP AT i_words. FIND i_words-word IN mtab_old_prog-line MATCH OFFSET wordoff. EXIT. ENDLOOP. EXIT. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT mtab_old_prog. CONDENSE mtab_old_prog-line. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ' ,' IN mtab_old_prog-line WITH ','. SPLIT mtab_old_prog-line AT space INTO TABLE i_words. MOVE 1 TO colnum. LOOP AT i_words. wordlen = STRLEN( i_words-word ). CASE colnum. WHEN 1. PERFORM f_diff_calc USING maxlen1 wordlen CHANGING diff. CONCATENATE myhats+0(wordoff) i_words-word myhats+0(diff) INTO mtab_new_prog-line. WHEN 2. PERFORM f_diff_calc USING maxlen2 wordlen CHANGING diff. CONCATENATE mtab_new_prog-line i_words-word myhats+0(diff) INTO mtab_new_prog-line. WHEN 3. PERFORM f_diff_calc USING maxlen3 wordlen CHANGING diff. CONCATENATE mtab_new_prog-line i_words-word myhats+0(diff) INTO mtab_new_prog-line. WHEN OTHERS. CONCATENATE mtab_new_prog-line ` ` i_words-word INTO mtab_new_prog-line. ENDCASE. ADD 1 TO colnum. ENDLOOP. TRANSLATE mtab_new_prog-line USING `^ `. APPEND mtab_new_prog. ENDLOOP. * Write the beautiful program code to ClipBoard from internal table CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_export IMPORTING data = mtab_new_prog[] CHANGING rc = myrc. LOOP AT mtab_new_prog. IF mtab_new_prog = space. SKIP 1. ENDIF. WRITE: / mtab_new_prog. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT MTAB_NEW_PROG *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form f_diff_calc *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM f_diff_calc USING value(maxlen) TYPE i value(wordlen) TYPE i CHANGING diff TYPE i. COMPUTE diff = maxlen - wordlen + 4. IF diff > 40. diff = 40. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "f_diff_calc
========================================================================================= *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Beautiful Function Module Call via clipboard * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author Jayanta Narayan Choudhuri * Flat 302 * 395 Jodhpur Park * Kolkata 700 068 * Email sss@cal.vsnl.net.in * URL: http://www.geocities.com/ojnc *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program takes a parameter as a Function Module Name * and does a documented "pattern paste" * Returns pattern Code Via ClipBoard *----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM yclip3jnc. TYPE-POOLS : slis. PARAMETERS: p_func LIKE fupararef-funcname. " Name of Function Module DATA : BEGIN OF i_tab OCCURS 0, funcname LIKE fupararef-funcname, " Name of Function Module paramtype LIKE fupararef-paramtype, " Parameter type pposition LIKE fupararef-pposition, " Internal Table, Current Line Index optional LIKE fupararef-optional, " Optional parameters parameter LIKE fupararef-parameter, " Parameter name defaultval LIKE fupararef-defaultval, " Default value for import parameter structure LIKE fupararef-structure, " Associated Type of an Interface Parameter stext LIKE funct-stext, " Short text END OF i_tab. DATA: BEGIN OF mtab_new_prog OCCURS 0, line(172) TYPE c, END OF mtab_new_prog. DATA: funcdesc LIKE tftit-stext, " Short text for function module mylen TYPE i, myrc TYPE i. CONSTANTS: myhats(40) VALUE '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'. TRANSLATE p_func TO UPPER CASE. SELECT SINGLE tftit~stext " Short text for function module INTO funcdesc FROM tftit WHERE tftit~funcname = p_func AND tftit~spras = sy-langu. TRANSLATE p_func TO LOWER CASE. CONCATENATE `CALL FUNCTION ` p_func ` " ` funcdesc INTO mtab_new_prog-line. APPEND mtab_new_prog. TRANSLATE p_func TO UPPER CASE. SELECT fupararef~funcname " Name of Function Module fupararef~paramtype " Parameter type fupararef~pposition " Internal Table, Current Line Index fupararef~optional " Optional parameters fupararef~parameter " Parameter name fupararef~defaultval " Default value for import parameter fupararef~structure " Associated Type of an Interface Parameter funct~stext " Short text INTO TABLE i_tab FROM fupararef INNER JOIN funct ON fupararef~funcname = funct~funcname AND fupararef~parameter = funct~parameter AND funct~spras = sy-langu WHERE fupararef~funcname = p_func AND fupararef~r3state = 'A' ORDER BY fupararef~paramtype fupararef~pposition. LOOP AT i_tab. AT NEW paramtype. CASE i_tab-paramtype. WHEN 'C'. MOVE ' CHANGING' TO mtab_new_prog-line. WHEN 'E'. MOVE ' IMPORTING' TO mtab_new_prog-line. WHEN 'I'. MOVE ' EXPORTING' TO mtab_new_prog-line. WHEN 'T'. MOVE ' TABLES' TO mtab_new_prog-line. WHEN 'X'. MOVE ' EXCEPTIONS' TO mtab_new_prog-line. ENDCASE. APPEND mtab_new_prog. ENDAT. IF i_tab-optional = 'X'. mtab_new_prog-line = `*^^^`. ELSE. mtab_new_prog-line = `^^^^`. ENDIF. IF i_tab-paramtype = 'X'. MOVE i_tab-pposition TO i_tab-defaultval. CONDENSE i_tab-defaultval. ELSE. TRANSLATE i_tab-parameter TO LOWER CASE. ENDIF. CONCATENATE mtab_new_prog-line i_tab-parameter '^=^' INTO mtab_new_prog-line. IF i_tab-defaultval IS NOT INITIAL. CONCATENATE mtab_new_prog-line i_tab-defaultval INTO mtab_new_prog-line. ENDIF. mylen = STRLEN( mtab_new_prog-line ). IF mylen < 31. COMPUTE mylen = 31 - mylen. ELSE. MOVE 1 TO mylen. ENDIF. TRANSLATE i_tab-structure TO LOWER CASE. CONCATENATE mtab_new_prog-line myhats+0(mylen) ` " ` i_tab-structure INTO mtab_new_prog-line. mylen = STRLEN( mtab_new_prog-line ). IF mylen < 47. COMPUTE mylen = 47 - mylen. ELSE. MOVE 1 TO mylen. ENDIF. CONCATENATE mtab_new_prog-line myhats+0(mylen) ` ` i_tab-stext INTO mtab_new_prog-line. APPEND mtab_new_prog. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT I_TAB CONCATENATE ` . " ` p_func INTO mtab_new_prog-line. APPEND mtab_new_prog. LOOP AT mtab_new_prog. TRANSLATE mtab_new_prog-line USING `^ `. MODIFY mtab_new_prog. IF mtab_new_prog = space. SKIP 1. ENDIF. WRITE: / mtab_new_prog. ENDLOOP. " LOOP AT MTAB_NEW_PROG * Write the beautiful program code to ClipBoard from internal table CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_export IMPORTING data = mtab_new_prog[] CHANGING rc = myrc.